Science at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology is varied. Our scientists and students are examining, for example:
- quality of wood and other lignocelluloses materials as natural resources in relation to processes of their effective utilisation and processing,
- disaggregation, disintegration, improvement and reconstitution of existing assortment of wood (forest and industrial residues, recycled wood of old products) to products with utility properties,
- wood interaction with solid substances and with different mechanical load, chemical and other substances and different forms of energy,
- chemical composition of wood and its chemical processing,
- energy valuation of wood and industrial processing of unusable residues,
- design and creation of furniture, interior elements and final products of wood,
- timber structures,
- fire protection and integrated safety,
- economic and marketing aspects of effective valuation of wood and manufacturing processes and innovation management.

Our university and faculty are not quite the biggest one, but we have top science.. Among other things, our scientists are members of an excellent scientific team called WOODMAT, which examines the structure and properties of lignocellulosic materials, wood.
As students, you will meet European and world-renowned personalities, educate yourself in competitive workplaces, even you can participate in their activities and gain contacts with the world.
The faculty is a member of the INNOVAWOOD International Consortium and its staff members of unique research associations and organizations, enabling us to keep track of current trends in research and innovation, so we are always at the heart of the process.
Excellent results are achieved by the faculty in cooperation with the students also in the artistic activity. The outstanding achievement of the Five4Live Team co-ordinated by our teachers and design students, is to win the "People's Choice Award" in an international design competition. Among a large participation the "Balcony Cultivator" project was ranked among the top eight designs. Through overseas, we let know about ourselves also thanks to the students.
We do not even forget about student science. Present your results at the annual "Student Scientific Activity" conference, which is also traditionally attended by students from other Slovak and foreign Universities and secondary schools. Just choose the right one from the seven sections.
Tatiana Vilkovska has our respect, becase she as a PhD student received an invitation for Schweighoffer Prize 2017 award ceremony in Vienna and for a workshop about science and practice in the wood industry, where 47 participants from 23 countries discussed current trends in the wood industry.