The study is free of charge, and if you have excelent results, we will pay you for success:
For good study results you can get a Merit scholarship, the Rector's or the Dean´s prize, or an Excelence sholarship for excellent results in research, development, sports or artistic activities.
We will provide a Maintanance grant to students who meet the conditions under the legislation. For students with special needs, we have built a special classroom and support services.
Living in Zvolen is not expensive.
Accommodation at the University dormitories, which are still being renewed with furniture from our own production, can be obtained for 41 to 60 € per month. In the student canteen, directly at the Univeristy dormitory, you can comfortably snack and have a good choice of meals, which will cost you from 0.69 € for meal. All the buildings and facilities of the University campus are compact. The town centre is very close as well, so there is no need to use public transport.
Thanks to the ISIC, you have a lot of things for free or with a discount.
With questions and problems, you can always contact our Study Administration Office with family atmosphere. Our staff knows all students by names and always gives you right advise.
If you want to earn something, you choose from the student brigade offers on Facebook for the Faculty students, where we regularly publish them.