Paper content shall comply with the areas covered by the journal. Paper shall be Original scientific paper. Such paper cannot be published or sent to be published in other journals, not even in other languages. Author is responsible for originality of the paper. Paper should present comprehensive and logically organized overview of new original knowledge and its critical evaluation, including specific results. Extent of the paper shall be adequate to its scientific contribution and shall not exceed 15 pages written in text editor, including tables and figures. Figures and tables shall be compact and reasonable, while the same data shall not be duplicated in both forms.
The Authors should upload their submission directly to the Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen journal editorial system website. To submit your paper, use the following link:
Authors should be registered first. On completing the registration process, the Author is taken directly to User Home, which lists the various roles the user has with this journal (e.g., Author, Reviewer, etc.). Clicking on the role of Author will take users to their submissions page, where a list of current and past submissions is available, and where a new submission to the journal can be initiated. After completing all steps in the editorial system, the article will be sent to the editorial office, and the manuscript review process will begin according to the following points:
- The editor will perform a preliminary evaluation of the submitted manuscript (whether it is suitable or unsuitable for the journal).
- Notification of the results of the preliminary evaluation of the manuscript.
- Manuscript review (blind peer review).
- All submitted manuscripts are subject to a single-blind review process. Single-blind peer review is a conventional peer review method in which the authors do not know who the reviewers are. However, the reviewers know who the authors are. Communication between the editor and the reviewers is carried out exclusively through the editorial system.
- Notification of manuscript review results.
- Manuscript revision and third review (if requested).
- Final decision on paper classification and acceptance or rejection.
- Signing of the copyright agreement with the journal publisher.
- Invoicing and final proofreading before publication.
- Before printing, the paper will be sent to the authors for final proofreading. The paper must be carefully corrected and sent back to the editorial office with a list of corrections made.
- Printing and online publication of the journal.
- Informing authors about the publication of the paper in the journal.
Communication between the editor and the authors of the paper is carried out exclusively through the journal's editorial system: